Friday, June 10, 2011


It is true none of us get to choose our parents ( I got lucky here) and our siblings( Lucky again) but we do have the option to choose our friends. Many people claim to have many friends but I am very lucky to only have a few. The few that I have are true friend and friends for life. They are the friends that hold your hair when you are so drunk you vomit. The friend that is always there to give advice and more important listens . The friend who is ready to beat up a guy when he breaks your heart. The friend that encourages to better yourself . The one you know will help you with whatever you need whenever you need it. The one that always brings out your fun side no matter how down you are. The friend that comforts you when you receive the worst news of your life and gets you to laugh when you need it most. Each one of these qualities is from one of my friends. You will know which one you are when you read it. They are just one quality because my friends have many. They have become part of my life and while not blood related they are all my family . I appreciate each and every one of you and thank you for your friendship.

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